HouseCheck Inspectors (Pty) Ltd: Terms and Conditions of the HouseCheck Property service
Explanatory Notes on Various
Building Conditions and Defects
Important Notice
Clauses in bold and italics may limit our responsibility, place an obligation on you to indemnify us, involve an acknowledgment of any fact, or involve some risk for you. Please pay special attention to these clauses.
Purpose and Scope of Service
Objective The HouseCheck Property Inspection service aims to deliver a professional, objective, unbiased, and affordable property inspection completed within a reasonable timeframe. The service results in a written report highlighting areas of defective design, poor workmanship, or maintenance needs that may materially impact the property owner or prospective owner, potentially affecting safety, cost, or future insurance claims.Inspection Process
A HouseCheck Property Inspection involves a visual inspection of observable areas within specified sections of the property. A written report is provided based on this inspection.
Limitations of Visual Inspection
Visual inspection cannot identify all conditions within a structure or installation. We are not liable for failing to identify or report on non-visible, obscure, concealed, or latent faults or defects in the property.
Nature of Report
The HouseCheck Property Inspection report is not a guarantee or implied warranty of any kind. It documents observed conditions or defects, and when uncertainty arises, we recommend consulting an appropriate specialist for a detailed evaluation.
Inspector Qualifications and Limitations
Generalist Role HouseCheck Inspectors are generalists familiar with South African building regulations and national standards. They are trained to perform an overall visual condition assessment but are not specialists qualified to provide binding opinions on structural integrity, safety, or functionality. Non-Invasive Inspections Inspections are non-invasive and exclude time-consuming technical investigations. Inspectors will not move furniture or other items to access systems or components.Scope of Inspection Report
Focus Areas
The report focuses on material conditions and defects with significant safety or cost implications. While the property inspection is based on the observable condition of the property being inspected, it is not intended to report on every observable condition that may exist in a property. Cosmetic or obvious conditions (e.g., areas needing paint) may not be included.
Photographs and Cost Estimates
The report includes photographs of documented conditions and defects. Where applicable, cost estimates for repairs are provided, though exact costs require a professional service provider’s detailed evaluation and quotation. Quotations for remedial work obtained from competing service providers may vary widely depending on the materials to be used and the size and competence of the service provider.
Floor Plans
If a floor plan is included, it is a sketch intended to highlight defects or estimate repair costs. No reliance should be placed on measurements or proportions in the sketch plan.
Official Reports
Only official written reports are valid. We absolve ourselves from responsibility for verbal feedback or comments provided by the Inspector.
Areas of Inspection
The inspection focuses on visual observation of the following areas:
Roof Exteriors
Observed condition of roof coverings, screws, fasteners, ridges, valleys, verges, flashing, waterproofing, chimneys, fascia boards, barge boards/tiles, roof pitch, gutters, downpipes, and drains.
Roof Cavities
Observed condition of the structure, anchoring, fastening, joining, bracing, under-tile sheeting, firewalls, exposed masonry, visible electrical wiring, water pipes, and pest presence (e.g., birds, rodents, insects, fungi). This does not constitute a legal certificate of compliance.
Hot Water Heaters
Observed condition and compliance of geyser installation (type, location, size where possible). This does not constitute a legal certificate of compliance.
Gas Installations
Gas installation with regards to the positioning of gas bottles and shut off valves. This does not constitute a legal certificate of compliance.
Exterior and interior walls checked for structural cracks and active damp.
Garage Doors and Driveway Gates
General condition of doors, motorized garage doors, and driveway gates.
Ceilings and slab soffits are checked for structural cracks and active damp.
Floor Coverings and Visible Floor Slabs
Structural cracks in slabs (not surface screed cracks), damp, insect damage to wooden floors, and serious damage to floor coverings.
Walls, Fences, Gates
Structural soundness of gates, fences, free-standing walls, retaining walls, and significant damage to electric fencing.
Fire Safety
Compliance of fireplaces, hearths, flues, chimneys, garage fire doors, and roof cavity firewalls. This does not constitute a legal certificate of compliance.
Safety and Security
Documentation of intruder protection measures (e.g., burglar bars, security gates, alarms) without testing functionality.
Ground and Stormwater Management
Rainwater management, ground slopes, external levels relative to floor levels, and foundation protection from water seepage.
Garden Structures and Outbuildings
Structural soundness of carports, braai facilities, lapas, bomas, and garden sheds.
Approved Plans
If provided, a visual comparison of as-built structures with approved plans (no measurements taken).
Access and Safety Considerations
Inspector Discretion
Inspectors will only access roofs, roof cavities, or crawl spaces if deemed safe and practical. If access is restricted, the report will note the limitation and reason.
Unobservable Conditions
Examples of conditions Inspectors may not determine include:
- Appropriate technical design and dimension of specific structural items and/or members e.g., the design and supporting structures of the roof or in the case of a thatch roof, the design, and dimensions of the lightning conductor.
- Roof, wall, or other leaks that may only occur under unusual conditions.
- The inner workings of mechanical items e.g., heating, ventilation, and air conditioning.
- The actual condition of underground or inside-wall-or-slab pipes, drains or foundations.
- The safety and compliance of the electrical installation (a relevant certificate of compliance is required for this).
- The safety and compliance of a gas installation (a relevant certificate of compliance is required for this).
- The safety and compliance of an electric fence installation (a relevant certificate of compliance is required for this).
- The working condition, functionality, or usability of any security alarm installation.
- A subsidence or landslip risk (a soil engineering report is required for this).
- Any other area or aspect of a property that may be required by law to be certified.
- Please note that if the erf (plot) size or building size is indicated in the HouseCheck Report, this is provided in good faith, based on information provided to the Inspector. HouseCheck does not warrant any dimensions of any property or structure, and clients and other interested parties are urged to do their own investigations in this regard.
Corporate Information
Company: HouseCheck Inspectors (Pty) Ltd
Registration: 2012/234444/23
Head Office: 80 St Michaels Road, Claremont 7708, Cape Town, South Africa
Postal: Suite 258 Postnet, Private Bag X1005, Claremont 7735, Cape Town
Explanatory Notes
Stormwater Management and Ground Grading
HouseCheck inspectors check the efficient management of water from roofs and storm water away from the base of structures. The best way to achieve efficient ground water management is by the installation of a suitable drainage system, or by installing an impervious, properly sloped apron around the perimeter of walls. HouseCheck inspectors will also check that finished outside ground levels (including paving) are at least 150mm lower than inside floor levels. If the outside ground is higher than the floor inside there is a threat of water seeping into the walls above the DPC, resulting in interior damp damage.
Cracks in Walls, Slabs, and Foundations
Most houses in South Africa sooner or later develop wall cracks. Most of these cracks are not serious and can be ascribed to slight settlement of the foundations, mortar shrinkage, or slight roof movement. However, some cracks can be potentially serious and are the result of significant foundation displacement, water penetration, or excessive roof movement. The most common reasons for cracking of walls are:
- Problem soils: Most South African cities and towns are located in areas where so-called “problem soils” occur. These are mostly “expansive” soils (clay) or “collapsible” soils (sandy). In some areas dramatic ground collapse (sinkholes) can occur where dolomitic and limestone rocks are found; this often results in the formation of underground caverns and voids.
- Ground movement and other stresses: The walls and slabs of all buildings are liable to crack at some point due to the movement and stresses to which buildings are continually subjected. Problem soils, inadequate design of foundations, poor roof anchoring and water penetration may worsen the situation.
Types of cracks: HouseCheck inspectors are trained to diagnose the cause of the observed cracks. Crack diagnosis is not an exact science and where doubt exists, then the services of a structural engineer should be enlisted.
- Settlement cracks: occur as the house “settles” onto its foundation, often leaving “stair step” cracks and diagonal cracks extending upwards from window and door lintels in its wake. Cosmetic repairs such as new paint or crack repair will only permanently fix settlement cracks once the structure has fully settled.
- Movement cracks: occur if the house has been built on expansive (clay) soil with poorly designed foundations. “Stair step” cracks and diagonal cracks extending upwards from the window and door lintels in its wake. Cosmetic repairs such as new paint or crack repair will not permanently fix movement cracks problems caused by expansive soil.
- Thermal cracks: big changes in daily temperature changes may result in excessive expansion and contraction of walls, causing vertical or stair step cracks, or plaster cracks.
- Water damage cracks: Water penetrating walls from above (especially through cracks on the tops of parapet walls) will cause cracks lower down as the water seeps downwards through the wall and seeks an exit from the masonry when encountering an impenetrable barrier such as a concrete slab or waterproofing.
- Roof movement cracks: Movement of the roof, where it rests on the wall plate on top of the walls, can also cause wall cracks. These cracks are usually slight and can be seen along the line of the ceiling and cornices. However, the weight and movement of a badly constructed roof can also result in severe structural damage to the walls below. Roof movement generally results from badly braced rafters and trusses which can exert outward pressure on the tops of load-bearing walls. This is known as truss thrust or truss spread. Poor anchoring of the roof to the walls can also lead to roof movement especially in windy areas. Truss uplift can also occur if the top chords of the truss become damp and expand while the bottom chord remains dry.
- Plaster cracks: Cracks in plastered walls are common, especially in older houses. Plaster cracks may result from stresses caused by movement of the brick substrate (see discussion above). Crazing cracks of plaster may also be caused by incorrect plastering techniques or plaster which has been allowed to dry too fast. One of the main reasons for plaster cracking is changes in ambient moisture levels and different expansion coefficients between mortar plaster, bricks, concrete and steel.
- Slab and foundation cracks: The reason why foundations and slabs on the ground crack is usually soil movement compounded by inadequate foundation/slab design and/or construction. Foundation footings and slabs carry the weight of the walls and roof and so cracks in foundations will almost always result in wall cracks also, the incorrect placement and compaction of the fill beneath the concrete slab is also a common cause of slab cracks. Water seeping under foundations (from downpipes or water ponding against structures) increases the risk of foundations sagging. HouseCheck inspectors will check water management around the base of structures. Tree roots close to structures may also cause problems.
Types: Settlement, movement, thermal, water damage, roof movement, plaster cracks.
Severity (NHBRC Criteria):
- <1mm: Very slight (redecoration).
- 1-5mm: Minor (redecoration).
- 5-15mm: Moderate (minor repairs).
- 15-25mm: Severe (extensive repairs).
- 25mm: Very severe (major repairs/rebuilding).
Damp in Walls and Slabs
Where visible damp is observed, HouseCheck inspectors will use a moisture meter to measure and record whether the damp is old damp (where the cause of the damp has been resolved) or active damp (where the cause of the damp is unresolved or unknown). HouseCheck inspectors will use their experience and training to try and determine the probable cause of the damp problem.
Types of damp:
- Penetrating damp is usually caused by roof leaks or water ingress via exterior wall cracks. Other causes may be leaking plumbing; failure of waterproofing on a wall adjacent to a shower or bath; a planter on an external wall; or water penetrating the exterior wall as a result of incorrect exterior ground levels. Further investigation is usually recommended. Damaged areas should only be repaired and decorated once there is certainty that the source of the moisture ingress has been repaired and the damaged area has completely dried out.
- Rising damp is confined to the lower parts of the internal walls area – usually lower than 1.2m. Rising damp is caused by ground water “wicking up” through the masonry due to missing or damaged, damp-proof course (DPC). HouseCheck recommends further investigation and possible remedy by the installation of a physical or chemical damp proof barrier. Damaged areas should not be redecorated until the source of the water ingress has been located and repaired and the damaged area has completely dried out. Damp proofing course (DPC): in modern buildings a plastic barrier installed at the base of walls and in wall openings is the usual method of preventing water from the ground from wicking up into the structures. Many older buildings do not have an effective DPC. Malthoid or slate was used in older buildings used to prevent rising damp. These components can disintegrate over time causing rising damp to become active and visible on the bottom of walls in older structures. It is recommended that a reputable waterproofing company be contracted to evaluate and propose best solutions to repair the rising damp.
- Mold is black fungi spores which grow on walls, ceilings, behind cupboards and in roof spaces thrive in still, moist conditions. Mould is both unsightly and dangerous to the health of those with allergies. Both penetrating dampness and the lack of adequate ventilation in a bathroom or bedroom encourage the growth of mold spores.
- Efflorescence is an aesthetic problem. Efflorescence is a white, powdery salt substance that forms on the surfaces of concrete, bricks and plaster. It is caused by soluble salts migrating through the material via capillary action. Once these soluble salts come into contact with air, unsightly white sediment appears.
Windows, Doors, and Glazing
HouseCheck inspectors check the soundness of window and door frames and also look for signs of leaks and damp around the edges of the frames.
Glazing safety
The National Building Regulations (NBR) specify standards of glazing safety for South African properties. Safety glass is required on low windows, doors, balustrades, staircases and areas of high traffic and potential risk. Many South African homes have unsafe glazing and some safety glass is often not clearly marked in compliance with the NBR. Where the HouseCheck inspector suspects that there may be a glazing safety issue, this will be mentioned in the HouseCheck report. However, HouseCheck inspectors are not glazing specialists and no warranty of glazing safety is implied or provided in any HouseCheck report. Where there is doubt, the client is advised to get the glazing installation reviewed by a glazing specialist.
Balconies, Balustrades, Decks, and Steps
HouseCheck inspectors conduct a visual check of the structural soundness of balconies, decks and steps as well as safety and functional aspects as stipulated by the National Building Regulations. These include:
- Balustrades must be securely fixed and be a minimum of 1m high with no gaps between vertical bars greater than 100mm.
- Balconies must be properly waterproofed and drained.
- Balconies must have a weather step or upstand of at least 50mm to prevent water flooding from the balcony to the interior.
Roof Exterior and Cavity
HouseCheck inspectors are trained to conduct a visual inspection of roofs installed on the inspected property, in order to report on significant defects which have been observed. Where safe and practical, HouseCheck inspectors will check the overall roof structure, including: The general condition of structural items such as trusses/rafters, bracing, anchoring, valley boards, fastenings for the battens/purlins; the presence and condition of items such as under-tile sheeting and insulation; the condition of hot water systems, plumbing and electrical supply located in or on the roof; and the condition and safety of items such as chimneys and fire walls (in and on the roof).
A HouseCheck inspection of an internal roof structure is always limited in scope due to inaccessibility of areas of the roof cavity once the roof covering is in place.
In South Africa an A19 roof compliance certificate is required to be provided for all new roofs installed. This certificate certifies compliance with the National Building Regulations, both as regards the design and manufacture of the roof trusses (which are mostly pre-manufactured in specialised factories) and also the structural integrity and compliance of the roof installation.
Many older roofs on South African properties (especially old carpenter-built structures) do not comply with the National Building Regulations. However, most of these older roofs are still structurally sound and functional. An A19 roof certificate is generally not required for such older roofs, unless the roof has been altered or unless a buyer or a lending institution requires such.
In its report, HouseCheck may, if the HouseCheck inspector considers this precaution necessary, recommend that an engineer should certify the structural soundness of the roof.
Please note that HouseCheck inspectors are not licensed (nor qualified) to issue A19 roof certificates, only registered roof engineers can do this. A HouseCheck report should be viewed only as an indication of the general condition of the installation and not as any type of warranty or guarantee of its functionality or legality.
Plumbing, Sanitaryware, and Drains
HouseCheck inspectors are trained to conduct a visual inspection of plumbing (water supply and drains) and sanitaryware installed on the property, in order to report on observed defects – including the legal compliance of the installations. Among the items which HouseCheck inspectors will check are the general observed condition of visible water supply, waste and drain systems; the general condition and functionality of sanitary ware, showers and sinks; and the legality and functionality of storm water management systems.
In Cape Town an up-to-date plumbing compliance certificate is required to be provided (usually by the seller) prior to ownership of a property being transferred to a new owner. Other local governments may in time follow suit.
It should be noted that HouseCheck inspectors are not licensed (nor qualified) to issue compliance certificates, only registered plumbers and drain layers can do that. This HouseCheck report should be viewed only as an indication of the observed condition of the installation and not as any type of warranty or guarantee of its functionality or legal compliance.
Hot Water Heaters
HouseCheck inspectors are trained to conduct a visual inspection of hot water systems installed on the property (including electric and solar powered geysers) in order to report on observed defects, including the legal compliance of the installations. Among the items which HouseCheck inspectors will check are: The general observed condition of the hot water system, including the compliance and functionality of: Drip trays; geyser casing, overflow systems; valves; earthing; stop cocks, isolator switches and also geyser support.
Defective geyser installations are both a safety risk and the leading cause of homeowner’s insurance claims. Increasingly insurers are repudiating claims for damage caused by non-compliant geyser installations.
It should be noted that HouseCheck inspectors are not licensed (nor qualified) to test hot water systems. In the event of a defective geyser installation a registered plumber and/or electricians should investigate further and rectify the problem.
Any HouseCheck report should be viewed only as an indication of the condition and compliance of the hot water heating installation and not as any type of warranty or guarantee of its functionality or legality.
Electrical Installations
HouseCheck inspectors are trained to conduct a visual inspection of the electrical installation on the property, in order to report on observed defects including any observed non-compliance of the installation. Among the items which HouseCheck inspectors will check are: Distribution boards; compliance of the location of plug points, lights and isolator switches; the general condition of built-in appliances and the general condition of visible wiring and earthing.
In South Africa an up-to-date electrical compliance certificate (not older than two years) is required by law to be provided (usually by the seller) prior to ownership of a property being transferred to a new owner.
It should be noted that HouseCheck inspectors are not licensed (nor qualified) to issue compliance certificates, only registered electricians can do that.
This HouseCheck report should be viewed only as an indication of the condition of the installation and not as any type of warranty or guarantee of its functionality or legal compliance.
Gas Installations
HouseCheck inspectors are trained to conduct a visual inspection of any gas inspection installed on the property, in order to report on observed defects including the legality of the installation. Among the items which HouseCheck inspectors will check are: The general observed condition of the gas installations, including the legal compliance and functionality of: The positioning of gas bottles; gas supply pipes; and shut-off valves.
In South Africa an up-to-date gas installation compliance certificate is required to be provided
Policy on Referrals
To be seen to be impartial with its inspection findings, HouseCheck does not usually recommend contractors nor professionals for repair or investigative work. This policy is to avoid a perceived conflict of interest. The exception is when the client appoints HouseCheck, for an additional fee, to manage a remedial or investigative programme – arising from HouseCheck’s inspection and report. HouseCheck programme management may involve all aspects of managing a quotation/tender process and also undertaking one or more quality control inspections prior to sign-off.
Below is a schedule of the applicable governing bodies for various trades and building professionals. These bodies should be contacted to obtain a list of local members. These members can then be asked to quote on needed repairs.
Governing Bodies
Master Builders Head Office:
- Western Cape:
- Boland:
- Greater Boland:
- Northern Cape:
- Eastern Cape:
- North: / (Gauteng, North West, Mpumalanga and Limpopo provinces)
- Kwa-Zulu Natal:
- Free State:
Governing bodies of some trades and professions
- Consulting Engineers South Africa:
- Electrical Contractors Association of SA:
- Institute of Plumbing South Africa:
- Waterproofing Federation of South Africa:
- Damp-proofing and Waterproofing Association of South Africa
- Institute for Timber Construction South Africa:
- Thatchers’ Association of South Africa: Property Inspections Terms and Conditions