Home Inspection
Why get a home inspection?
An independent home inspection is the best way to reduce financial risk for home buyers and sellers and to also protect the professional reputation of the estate agent. Home inspections help ensure that the deal is fair to all parties involved.
Most “secondhand” properties are sold “voetstoots” (“as is”). Voetstoots means that the property buyer is at financial risk in the absence of an independent home inspection by a knowledgeable inspector.
The Property Practitioners Act makes it compulsory for the seller to declare in writing all significant defects of which the seller is aware.
However, many homes have “latent defects” of which the seller is probably not aware.
For instance, if the roof waterproofing was in poor condition, but the roof had not yet begun to leak; then the seller would likely not be aware of this very serious condition and would therefore not be able to declare the defect to the potential buyer.
In the event that this roof only began to leak after the buyer bought the property and moved in, then the seller would not be liable for the repairs to the roof – because the home had been sold voetstoots.
However, if the buyer had been wise and had made the Offer to Purchase “subject to a satisfactory and independent inspection report”, then both parties would have been able to negotiate the repair of the proof prior to the sale being concluded.
Most “secondhand” properties are sold “voetstoots” (“as is”). Voetstoots means that the property buyer is at financial risk in the absence of an independent home inspection by a knowledgeable inspector.
The Property Practitioners Act makes it compulsory for the seller to declare in writing all significant defects of which the seller is aware.
However, many homes have “latent defects” of which the seller is probably not aware.
For instance, if the roof waterproofing was in poor condition, but the roof had not yet begun to leak; then the seller would likely not be aware of this very serious condition and would therefore not be able to declare the defect to the potential buyer.
In the event that this roof only began to leak after the buyer bought the property and moved in, then the seller would not be liable for the repairs to the roof – because the home had been sold voetstoots.
However, if the buyer had been wise and had made the Offer to Purchase “subject to a satisfactory and independent inspection report”, then both parties would have been able to negotiate the repair of the proof prior to the sale being concluded.
The Property Practitioners Act came into force on 1 February 2022. Section 63 of this
important South African law make it legally enforceable that:
- Every property seller must complete the mandatory Seller’s Condition Declaration –
in terms of which the seller is required to declare all significant defects of which the
seller is aware. - An estate agent may not accept a mandate from a seller without obtaining from
the seller the mandatory declaration. - The estate agent/seller must provide, in writing, to every prospective buyer a copy
of the mandatory declaration. Each prospective buyer must confirm in writing that
the mandatory declaration has been supplied by the seller. - Any subsequent Agreement of Sale must include a copy of the mandatory seller’s
declaration, signed by the seller, the buyer and the estate agent.
Although the mandatory declaration goes some way to improving consumer protection for home buyers, the weakness is that the seller is only required to declare the defects of which the seller is aware.
There are often latent defects in an older property of which the seller may legitimately “not be aware”. Such latent defects could include:
- Roof waterproofing which because of age or lack of maintenance is close to failure
– but which has not yet begun to leak. - Roof structures which are structurally unsound, but which have not yet collapsed
or begun to sag. - Non-compliant and unsafe hot water geyser installations in a roof cavity. Risk of fire where a garage adjoins a residence. South African regulations require a firewall between the garage and the residence, extending from the floor of the garage to the underside of the roof covering. In some older homes this firewall is missing in the roof space,, or holes have been knocked through the firewall by tradesmen installing air conditioning and other services.
- Non-compliant boundary walls which have not been designed and built in accordance with the National Building Regulations.
- Inadequate management of stormwater and consequent flooding risk.
- Non-compliant swimming pool safety measures.
Cautious sellers and buyers who want a fair, transparent deal with no comebacks, should always opt for an independent home inspection to supplement the mandatory sellers declaration. Estate agents should always advise sellers and buyers to commission an inspection; this is good business practice for the agent because an independent inspection ensures transparency and protects the professional reputation of the agent.
Property Practitioners Act 2019 (delete this FAQ
- Agents will be compelled by law to obtain a written condition statement from every seller and to show this document to every prospective buyer. Agents will be disciplined if they do not comply.
- This seller’s declaration will also be legally required to become part of every property sales agreement. This means that a sales contract could be invalidated if the seller’s declaration is missing, inaccurate or fraudulent.
Home inspections are usually commissioned by prospective buyers of a home in order to limit their risk.
Usually a buyer will first find the best home to buy before commissioning a home inspection. In such cases the buyer will make an offer to purchase contingent on a satisfactory independent home inspection report. This means that the buyer only needs to pay for a home inspection once the buyer and seller have reached agreement on all other aspects of the sale.
In some cases however, buyers prefer to commission and pay for a home inspection prior to making an offer.
The Property Practitioners Act came into force on 1 February 2022 and it has now become standard business practice in South Africa for estate agents to recommend that:
Either sellers obtain a home inspection report prior to marketing the home so that the inspection report can form part of the seller’s declaration.
Alternatively, sellers may opt to state in the mandatory declaration of condition all the areas in which they are unsure about the actual condition of the property. In such cases the seller can state in their declaration, that the onus is on the prospective buyer to use, at the buyer’s expense, a home inspector to establish the condition of aspects of the home – where the seller is unsure or simply does not know.
- The strength and stability of structures (roof covering, roof timbers, masonry and concrete);
- The safety of electrical circuits;
- Or the inner workings of any of the hundreds of components in an average home.
- Recognise defects, potential defects, safety and compliance issues;
- Know when to “raise a red flag” and when to refer the condition of any component to a relevant specialist for a more detailed examination.
- The size of the home – home inspectors usually quote on either a room count or floor area.
- The type of inspection required: Comprehensive inspection (every observed defect is documented and assessed); Vital (only structural, safety and function defects are reported on); specialised inspections (limited to inspecting specific areas of the home (such as the roof) or inspecting for specific conditions (such as damp or wall cracks).
- The location of the property – will the home inspector incur excessive travel costs? If so, the quotation will have to allow for this cost.
- Accurate, easy-to-understand, credible and thorough.
- Delivered quickly. In the real estate world, speed is essential so that buyers and sellers do not lose out on deals. For instance, HouseCheck delivers its reports electronically within one working day of the inspection.
- All aspects of South African property law and national building regulations and national standards. Inspectors must also be aware of how legal compliance applies to the home being inspected. Building standards, which are often updated by the SABS, are seldom retroactive. This means that the home inspector needs to know what was legal at the time the home was built.
- In order to detect and diagnose the cause of defects, such as wall cracks, damp and roof leaks, the home inspector must have a good knowledge of how the home was built. Defects in structures, such as cracks and damp, are often the result of bad building techniques and the home inspector needs to be something of a detective to diagnose and understand the defects observed.
- The home inspector must also have a good knowledge of the cost and process involved in potential repairs and maintenance. This knowledge is needed in order to assess defects and then recommend to the client, regarding the cost effectiveness of undertaking repairs to defects. For instance, it is seldom cost-effective to replace damaged under-tile membranes.
Read more on home inspection services