SA Home Buyers and Sellers Guide

This eBook is a must read for any prospective property buyer or seller in South Africa. New legislation governs your conduct and that of your property practitioner. This book empowers you to know your rights and obligations.

New legislation has been enacted and new ways of doing business have emerged in the post pandemic age. This has necessitated a rewrite of this important book. It is recommended reading for all South African Home Buyers and now Sellers as well.

Download the latest South African Home Buyers and Sellers Guide

The SA Home Buyers Guide by John Graham has been completely rewritten and updated. The book’s title has changed to reflect the changes in Content and is now known as The  South African Home Buyers and Sellers Guide.

This eBook is filled with practical information to assist you when buying or selling a property. Know your rights. What does the law say? Am I getting the best advice? Make wise decisions. Knowledge is power.