CoC issues with electrical installation and electric fence

Dear John,
I recently bought a house with a non compliant electrical CoC. I am a qualified electrician myself, but do not have a wireman’s license. I can see all the areas where there is no compliance. I have informed the transfer attorney of this as well as the estate agent, but all that I hear is that they will be in contact with the person who did the CoC, this has been going on for two months no with no luck. It is rainy season by us now and my electricity keeps tripping due some areas not being compliant ( outside lights just hanging loose open by its connecting wires). My electric fence also does not have a CoC, and the seller now states that the fence is installed pre 2006, but I the OTP clearly states that a fence CoC is required and the seller can also not provide any proof that the fence was installed before 2006, and according to people that have worked previously on this fence there was changes made the system now recently before they sold the house.

Can you please advise me on how I can get this solved or where I need to report this issue.  Nicholas Cloete

Hi Nicholas

• The Electrical Machinery Regulations, published under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 apply to all electric fences in South Africa. The new regulations says that all existing and new electric fences must now be certified with an electric fence system certificate of compliance (EFC). This certificate is similar to the electrical compliance certificate which all property owners must have. However, electricians cannot issue this electric fence certification – unless the electrician is also qualified in terms of the new electric fence laws and has been registered with the Department of Labour. In terms of these regulations, all properties with an electric fence can only be transferred after 1 December 2012, if an EFC has been lodged with the conveyancing attorney. Apart from when the property is sold, any alterations or additions to existing electric fencing also triggers the need for an EFC. See more at:
• You should get your electrical CoC audited by the appropriate provincial electrical inspection authority – in Gauteng you can contact Mark Palmer at the Gauteng Electical inspection Authority ( Geia will charge a small fee for the audit but in the event of shortcomings on the CoC this authority is empowered by law to force the offending electician to rectify the electrical installation at his own expense.

I suggest that you involve both the seller and the conveyancing attorney in sorting out these issues as these parties were responsible to ensuring compliance prior to transfer of the property.

John Graham CEO

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CoC issues with electrical installation and electric fence

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