Spotlight on Common Home Issues: Recognize, Address, and Prevent

When it comes to property maintenance, identifying and understanding common home issues can make a significant difference in preventing costly repairs and maintaining your property’s value. Here, we spotlight some of the most prevalent home issues, providing insights into how to recognize, address, and prevent them. 1. Foundation Cracks and Shifts 2. Roof Leaks and […]
Before you buy that house, watch how a home inspection can save you.

Summary of Private Property video transcription Discussion between Zamantungwa Khumalo (ZK) host of the Private Property Podcast and John Graham (JG) – of HouseCheck ZK: Good evening and welcome to episode 308 of the private property podcast. I’m your host. If you’re joining us for the first time, welcome to the ODI daily properties show in […]
Buying a house in SA – what to watch out for…

Buying a house is an emotional decision – because this is the place where you will live with your family; this is the place where you will relax with your friends. As a home buyer, you need to make a conscious effort to turn away from the heart and to think with your head. You […]
Job Creation in the property sector – Picking the low hanging fruit

John Graham (National Association of Building Inspectors of SA) Aug 2017 Within the giant property sector an opportunity has arisen to pluck some “low-hanging fruit” and meaningfully address the triple threats of unemployment, lack of transformation of the economy and disintegrating infrastructure. The asset value of the property sector is massive: Last year the Property […]
SA property prices have “slow puncture”
After allowing for inflation South African home prices have entered a long-term negative trend. This is good news for home buyers, but bad news for home sellers. FNB property economist John Loos says the “slow puncture” of real property prices in South Africa has begun. Loos believes South Africa has entered a long-term cycle of […]
Foreign home buyers increase again
While fewer South Africans were selling their homes in order to emigrate, the percentage of foreign buyers of local houses was rising, reports John Graham CEO of HouseCheck. Graham says that the FNB estate agent survey for the last quarter of 2012 shows that the percentage of home sellers who were selling to emigrate dropped […]
It’s cheaper to buy than to build
It is still much cheaper to buy an existing house than to build a similar size new house. Second hand housing in South Africa is now on average one third cheaper than similar size new housing. However, buyers of second hand housing are advised to make their purchase subject to a home inspection to make […]
First-time buyers dominate market
Actual house prices are growing very slowly – at less than 4 per cent year on year. First-time buyers continue to dominate the market – more than 50 per cent of bond applications are from first time buyers. These trends are according to bond originator ooba most recent statistics – for October 2012. The […]
HouseCheck Property News Digest: October 2012
Home prices rise slowly There was moderate growth in house prices during September 2012, according to bond originator, ooba. The average house price for September was R876 717, up 4.5 per cent year-on-year. The average home loan deposit was up from R142 885 in September 2011 to R156 172 in September 2012, which is 17.8 […]
Consumers are now less trusting
By John Graham CEO HouseCheck Research over the past 10 years on consumer behaviour shows clearly that all over the world the common denominator is a search by the consumer for something to trust. Easy access to independent information via the internet, the banking scandals, political scandals and increasing incidents of what is perceived to […]