10 Year Maintenance Plans for Body Corporates save money

10 Year maintenance plans are required to be prepared by all body corporates in terms of the regulations to the Sectional Title Schemes Management Act. This liability lies with the trustees of the body corporate.

HouseCheck has an innovative product, which we call a MAP ( Maintenance Action Plan). This product has been designed to relieve trustees of the potential liability of not making proper planning decisions regarding ongoing maintenance on the body corporate.

You can waste money by not fixing underlying defects

Many of these maintenance action plans are of no use because they are based on trustees personal pet projects or because they ignore the underlying issues that require prior attention. Mistakes like this can be very costly. One of our clients wasted over a million Rand in a painting contract because the underlying penetrating damp issues had not been sorted out.


Why HouseCheck named their 10 year maintenance plans differently

HouseCheck, in naming this the 10 year maintenance plan as a “Maintenance ACTION Plan” has done so because our solution empowers body corporates to make real, lasting and cost effective solutions to their maintenance needs.

Maintenance action plans have three components. Firstly an inspection report reveals underlying issues which need to be addressed. Then a dynamic financial modelling plan allows the inspector in conjunction with the trustees to time the various maintenance issues so that all maintenance can be undertaken within budget. This modelling allows the body corporate to smooth the curve. Finally the financial modelling allows the trustees to predict the amount of money they need to contribute to the reserve fund in terms of the regulations to undertake the maintenance.


This should not be a grudge purchase

10 year maintenance plans are designed to protect owners rights in a. complex. Properly maintained units allow for better property values. Owner’s rights and enjoyment of their property is enhanced in a properly maintained building.

This is a unique product in the market unlike any other.

To get your estimate fill in the following quote request form.


Request for quote on a 10 year maintenance plan for sectional title property

In terms of the Sectional Title Schemes Management Act every body corporate must prepare a 10 year maintenance plan.

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10 Year Maintenance Plans for Body Corporates save money

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